ARIPO was in attendance at the Colloquium for Intellectual Property Teachers and Researchers in Africa. This event, which is a collaborative effort between the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), is took place from the 5th to the 8th of August, 2024.

The Colloquium aimed to provide IP academics in the region with a greater understanding of the latest developments in WIPO and the WTO on IP and to provide a forum for academic exchange in the Africa region on IP teaching and research. The Guest of Honour at the Colloquium was Mr. Sherif Saadallah, the Executive Director of WIPO Academy.

Represented by the ARIPO Academy, ARIPO participated in and delivered a talk on the theme about the role regional Intellectual Property Organizations in enhancing IP Education in Africa. Initiatives and achievements by ARIPO in Africa were discussed, hinging around the academic programs, professional development programs and other awareness raising activities the Organization spearheads among and beyond its Member States

The Colloquium also covered IP issues that intersect with other multilateral forums, on matters such as climate change, health and traditional knowledge with inputs from a wide range of experts and policy perspectives. As a forum for exchanging information on national or regional experiences in IP law and policy, and current areas of analysis and debate, the colloquium roped in the combined experiences of ARIPO, OAPI and WIPO Academy in strengthening IP capacity building in the continent. The programme also enabled participants to develop practical strategies for improving teaching methodologies and research, both seen to be cornerstone IP scholarship in Africa. The last colloquium was held in April 2018 in Pretoria, South Africa.

The event was held back-to-back with the IP Scholars Africa Conference on 9 August 2024 which was organized by the University of Cape Town (UCT) at the same venue.